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How to Store Apples: 5 Genius Ways

How to Store Apple

If you love the fresh, crisp taste of apples but find yours often go bad before you can finish them, you’ll want to learn the proper way to store apples. Storing apples correctly is key to enjoying this healthy and versatile fruit for much longer. Too many people throw away apples prematurely, not knowing the best storage methods. As an apple lover, I was determined to find a solution to the short shelf life problem. Through trial and error, I discovered a game-changing way to keep apples fresh that flies in the face of conventional wisdom. In this blog, I will share the top apple storage tips and tricks I’ve learned to help you stop wasting your money on rotten apples and enjoy crisp, fresh apples for weeks on end. Learn how to store apples the right way and always have delicious, healthy apples on hand.

⇨ How to Choose the Best Apples for Storage?

It’s important to pick apples that will last the longest. With these below tips, you’ll pick apples that stay fresh for enjoying later!

πŸ‘‰ Tip 1: First, sort through the apples and use any that are bruised or spoiled right away.

πŸ‘‰ Tip 2: Damaged apples can make the others go bad faster. Separate any bruised apples from the ones you want to store for later.

πŸ‘‰ Tip 3: Go for crispy, tart types of apples like Granny Smith, Fuji, and Gala. These thicker-skinned apples tend to last 6 months or longer in storage.

πŸ‘‰ Tip 4: Sweeter apples like Golden Delicious won’t keep as well. Apples still on the tree or from an orchard/farm stay fresher than store-bought.

πŸ‘‰ Tip 5: Look for apples with stems still attached too. Without the stem, more germs can get inside and cause rotting.

πŸ‘‰ Tip 6: Generally, smaller apples and those with thicker skins keep longest. Tart apples like Granny Smith stay good for 4 months instead of just 2 like some others. Avoid too-sweet, thin-skinned types.

Granny Smith Apple
Fuji Apple
Gala Apple

⇨ How to Store Apples for Short-Term?

Apples are a delicious and healthy fruit, but they can spoil quickly if not stored properly. Here are some tips for storing apples short:

β‘  Room Temperature Storage

Whole apples can be kept on the counter, away from direct sunlight, for up to a week.

β‘‘ Refrigerator Storage

Whole apples can last up to six weeks in the refrigerator crisper drawer. To keep them fresh, wrap the apples in a damp paper towel or place them in a plastic bag with holes. Store apples away from other produce because the ethylene gas that apples give off will make other fruits and vegetables ripen more quickly.

β‘’ Freezer Storage

While freezing apples is not ideal for short-term storage, it can be done to preserve them for later use. Peel and core the apples, then toss them with lemon juice to prevent browning. Freeze them on a baking sheet before transferring them into a freezer-safe bag.

β‘£ Lemon Juice for Sliced Apples

Cut apples will be kept in the refrigerator for three to five days. You can toss the apple slices in lemon juice to avoid browning.

β‘€ Storing Apples in Bags

Placing a few apples in a clear freezer bag (biodegradable options are available online) or paper bags can help keep them fresh in the fridge for up to a week.

β‘₯ Apple Racks

Investing in an apple rack can help store larger apples over winter. Wrap each apple in a single sheet of newspaper and place them in single layers on a tray. Store the apples in a cold and humid spot such as an unheated basement, cellar, unheated garage, or even a cool room with the radiator turned off. Check them regularly to ensure there are no rotten apples among them.

⑦ Keep Apples Separated

Keep apples separate from one another and consider wrapping them individually in towels. This helps prevent ethylene gas, which many ripe fruits emit, from causing nearby pieces of produce to prematurely ripen or rot. Pull out any that are rotting or not good as soon as you spot them.

By following these tips, you can keep your apples fresh and delicious for weeks to come.

⇨ How to Store Apples for Long Term?

Storing apples for a few months requires specific considerations to maintain their freshness and quality. Here are the best practices for long-term apple storage:

β‘  Choose a Cool and Dark Place:

Apples thrive in dark, cool environments similar to a root cellar. If you don’t have a root cellar, consider using an unheated basement, garage, or a cool nook in your home. Ensure the area is well-ventilated to prevent moisture buildup.

β‘‘ Wrap Each Apple:

To extend the shelf life of whole apples, wrap each one individually in paper. Newspaper, paper bags, paper towels, or butcher paper are all suitable options. This added layer of protection helps prevent the spread of spoilage if any apples begin to decay.

β‘’ Store in a Single Layer:

Place the wrapped apples in a box or drawer, ensuring they are arranged in a single layer and not touching each other. This prevents bruising and allows for proper air circulation.

β‘£ Monitor Regularly:

Check on the stored apples once a week. Remove any that show signs of decay to prevent spoilage from spreading.

β‘€ Freezing Apples:

Apples can also be frozen for long-term storage, lasting up to six months in the freezer. To prevent browning, toss the cut apples in lemon juice and dry them before freezing. You can flash freeze the apples overnight and then transfer them to freezer bags for convenient storage.

β‘₯ Ideal Root Cellar Conditions:

If you’re storing apples for up to a year, aim to create a root cellar-like environment. The ideal conditions include:
↱ Temperature: 32 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (similar to a refrigerator)
↱ Humidity: High levels between 80 and 95% to prevent moisture loss
↱ Ventilation: Adequate air circulation to deter mold growth
↱ Darkness: Minimize light exposure to preserve freshness

How Long Do Apples Last in the Fridge?

Apples can last up to one month and even up to six weeks when properly stored in the fridge. However, the quality, texture, and taste may not be the same as a fresh apple after a month, though it should still be edible.

To maximize the shelf life of apples, keep them whole until just before you eat or use them in a recipe. Cutting into an apple exposes the flesh to oxygen, which causes it to slowly turn brown. You can slow down this process by adding a little acid (such as lemon juice or vinegar) or water to the apple.

Additional Tips πŸ’β€β™€οΈ:

πŸ‘‰ Select perfect, bruise-free apples for long-term storage.
πŸ‘‰ Avoid overcrowding the storage area to ensure proper air circulation.
πŸ‘‰ Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels if storing in a makeshift root cellar.
πŸ‘‰ Consider using moisture-absorbing materials like silica gel packets to control excess moisture.

By following these guidelines, you can successfully store apples for several months and enjoy their crisp and delicious flavor throughout the year.

⇨ Frequently Asked QuestionsΒ 

⁉️ How long can apples be stored?

Apples can be stored for up to six months if stored properly in cool and dark conditions.

⁉️ Should I refrigerate or leave apples at room temperature?

It depends on your preference. Refrigerating apples can prolong their freshness, while storing them at room temperature allows them to ripen naturally.

⁉️ How long do apples last in the fridge?

Apples can last from 2 weeks to several months in the fridge, depending on the variety.

⁉️ Can I store apples with other fruits and vegetables?

It is not advisable to store apples next to other fruits and vegetables because apples release ethylene gas, which can ripen other produce more quickly. Apples are also porous and can absorb flavors around them.

⁉️ How should I store whole apples in the kitchen?

For maximum freshness, keep a bowl of whole apples out of direct sunlight. If you have more than a bowlful, store them in your refrigerator’s bottom-shelf crisper drawer.

⁉️ How should I store apples for long-term storage?

If you want to store apples for the long term, create a root cellar-like environment in your home. This includes maintaining a temperature range of 32 to 40 degrees F, high humidity levels, adequate ventilation, and darkness.

⁉️ Can I freeze apples?

Yes, you can freeze apples. However, freezing can make them lose their crispness. Frozen apples are ideal for making pies, tarts, applesauce, and apple butter.

⁉️ How should I store cut apples?

To store cut apples, choose varieties that don’t brown quickly, such as Cosmic Crisp. Toss other varieties in a little lemon juice to prevent browning. Store the slices in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

⁉️ How do I prepare apples for freezing?

Slice the apples first and spread them out on a baking sheet. Flash-freeze them for a few hours, then transfer the frozen slices to a plastic bag and store them in the freezer.

⁉️ Can I use frozen apples without thawing?

Yes, you can use frozen apples directly in recipes without thawing. Simply place the frozen slices into a pie crust or other dishes and bake accordingly.